How this Bike Club Started...
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
It's all started with a ride I (Ronnie) had with two Israeli's (Haim and Yossie). I was really not up to it since I had a pretty lousy bike that I brought from Israel (RoadMaster, 45 Lbs). Our first ride was along the Santa Ana creek from Harvard/Baranca to Newport Bay and back. After that ride I felt that this could be a nice addition to my weekly sport activity (I do Yoga for several years now). I got Shy, David, Zeev and Loofie interest in it and so our first ride was scheduled to Saturday 7/23/05.
Here is the first email that was sent:
The plan is to-do this bike trail which has great views and is mostly flat.
The map of the trail is attached. Our trail is marked in magenta (along many other OC trials) and we start on Harvard between Baranca and Alton in the park. The trail goes to Newport Bay. Open the attached PDF file and Zoom in until you see my comments.
We are meeting in the Barber Marine Corps Park in the parking lot (see map) at 8:30 otherwise it will be hot!
Here is the map for the park:
Bring a helmet, sun glasses, water (one bottle), and bikes (test the bike at home, make sure the bikes have a place for a water bottle, check air, I will bring a pump anyway)...
Please confirm/comment.
The first reply I got was from shy:
From: Shy []
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 8:21 PM
To: Ron Yazma
Subject: Re: Bike ride on Saturday 7/23 8:30
You sound like a drill sergent.......... I will check with Zeev if I can borrow Tomer bike, I do not want to rush and buy one before I try it first.
Well … OK. After several emails we all got there on Saturday. Zeev came with three of his kids bikes and David came with his old ‘Target bikes’ and I came with my 45Lbs bike. We did not get very far, after two miles we stopped and one decided to return since the bike was not really doing anything one more mile and two more returned. I continued by myself to the bay and returned.
So much for the first ride…
Interestingly enough we all liked it and decide to buy new bikes and meet the week after that and so it all started. Since then, we keep on meeting every week, almost everyone show up, we even have one guy, Ronen, show up every week rigorously, driving from studio city to OC. Our group grew since then and we are now 7-10 people showing up every week. Most of us upgrade their bike and got lighter and faster road bikes. We enjoy the ride and most of all the breakfast lunch that follow it.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the ride,