Israeli Bike Club

Road Cycling and Social Activity for the Israelis

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San Diego Creek

Map : San Diego Creek Map

Distance (miles) : 19

Total Elevation (ft.) : 75

Default Meeting Location* : At Broken Yolk Cafe, Irvine

Description : Riding along the San Diego creek all the way to Newport Back Bay and back. Total elevation gain ~1,000ft.

Notable Legs : When returning from the Back Bay just before Jamboree a 70 ft climb on a distance of 700 ft.

Rest/Break : At the Newport Back Bay Park seating at the picnic tables enjoining the ocean view.

Comments : Nice view of the creek and the bay, flat route. Can use alternate way back around the bay on top of the bluff with a great view, see pictures and GPS route.

Prepared By : Ronnie Yazma, 10/1/2006

* The event meeting location may be diffrenet, check the event for the actual meeting location.

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