The Club Hungarian Rhapsody Tour - July 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Bike Club had completed a very successful trip to Europe in July. We set off to "terrorize" Europe in mid July, spent few days in Vienna and then started the bike ride to Budapest.
Impressive monuments, sumptuous palaces and exquisite architecture are some of the things we saw in the heart of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. From Vienna we cycled along the Hungarian side of the Danube through Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Continued into Hungary where we stayed in the historical towns of Györ and Esztergom.
This wonderfully diverse tour between two of Europe’s most enchanting capitals takes in the majestic Danube and the Hungarian lowlands. Following cycle paths in Austria and small country roads in Hungary, the route offered superb vistas of the pristine rolling forested hills, quiet marshland and lush green meadows that are so typical of this part of Central Europe. The tour lasted six days and covered 350 km (~220 miles).
The first day (Jul-18) we rode to Bratislava along the Danube River, and as we started so did the rain. All day we had pouring rain, lightning, thunder, hail, but also a strong tail wind that help us keep a quick pace. We arrived drenched to Bratislava.
The second day was a short nice ride to Mosonmagyarovar along the Danube River. The third day we rode to Györ and the forth day to Tata, were we stayed at a nice resort. On the fifth day we had few climbs on the way to Esztergom, and on the sixth day we rode along the Danube to Budapest.
We stayed two nights in Budapest and took a fun Segway tour. We then drove in a rented minivan to the beautiful city of Prague. We returned home from Prague with lots of fun memories.
We all enjoyed the tour very much. We had great time and lots of fun and I’m sure we’ll do similar trips in the future.
See pictures at Hungarian Rhapsody Tour - July 2009 Album.
David, Zeev, Ronen, Tal, Mick, Loofie, Shy and Ronnie.